Club Registration Component Demo
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: Main
- Hits: 21667
Thank you for choosing the club registration component for joomla 3. Feel free to take a tour of the extension, you can get a more details about the component from app.deltastateonline.com
Login Details:
Front End: Username : demo, Password : demo.
Some of the features include the following
Frontend Features : Capture Expression of Interest
- Render an expression of interest (eoi) page for senior players and guardians of junior players.
- Confirm registration of eoi, to create registered club members.
- Filter club members based on player types, gender, groups subgroups, email, post code, name.
Frontend Features : Manage Members / Players
- Register new club members {Guardian of Junior Players with multiple junior players, Single junior Players, Senior Players}
- Find members by name, email, phone
- Capture attendance at events, by dates
- See a summary of all upcoming events due in 7 days
- Permission only feature to delete a member, if duplicates are f
Frontend Features : Manage Members / Players Details
- Capture general information , including name , email , address , gender etc.
- Capture emergency contact details and other details.
- Add profile picture.
- Add private or public notes for each player
- Add payment details for each player.
- Add asset details for each player, such as wickets, bats etc
- Add relationships between members , such as parents, spouse etc
- Add event alert to mark special occasion for each member
Frontend Features : Manage Communications
- Communication manager, to send email and sms to players / members
- Contact list for each player, so that communications can be sent to guardians and other contacts
- Send communication by group
Backend Features.
Team Member Features.
- Link registered joomla users to have access to the component.
- Unlink team members from the component.
- Grant Access to each user to perform registration task.
- Manage configuation list within clubreg3 create a list of properties or member information for each team member, by default the following are included Email Address,Member's Position,Member Number,Club History,School Attending,Quote,About,Height and Weight,Favourite Player,Nicknames,Hometown,Nationality,Residence,Date of Birth,Joining Date,Leaving Date
- Grant team memeber access to edit these information in the front end.
- Create a report of all properties.
- Create a view page for each team member.
Group Features.
- Create groups and sub groups.
- Set up meeting time and group types ie senior or junior group types. more config items can be added by modifiying the confix_items.xml files.(email support)
- Assign team leaders , assign multiple team members.
- Create a view page for each group, listing the players within that group as well as the team members and team leaders.
Template Features.
- Create and edit templates.
- By default a template is created, which is rendered when an eoi is submitted.